'Be Brave': The youngster from Seaforth helping others living with bowel conditions

A young girl, who lives with a chronic bowel condition, is asking others facing the same to "be brave" like her.

Six-year-old Jessica Dowle, from Seaforth, has a colostomy bag attached to a stoma - a hole which surgeons create, in the abdomen, for the bowel to empty.

The six-year-old talks online about living with a stoma.

She and her family regularly post videos offering advice and cheer on social media, for both young and adult patients.

Jessica has also raised thousands to buy 'Buttony Bear' teddies. Each has its own bag and stoma to help children facing such surgery, and life afterwards, to cope better.

118 children now have a 'Buttony Bear' thanks to Jessica's fundraising.

Mum Kim Lucock says it was her daughter's idea to help in so many ways, a year after she had her operation. Jessica has even told her medical team she wants to join the NHS.

The youngster's caring efforts have now been rewarded with a nomination for this year's Well Child awards.