Manx Wildlife Park raises £10,000 for conservation through voluntary donations

So far this year the Curraghs Wildlife Park has enjoyed great success in many of its breeding programmes including the birth of a squirrel monkey. Credit: Curraghs Wildlife Park

A wildlife park in the Isle of Man has raised over £10,000 for its conservation fund this year through voluntary donations.

Curraghs Wildlife Park was one of the first of its kind to reopen in the British Isles after lockdown ended in the Island.

The money will boost conservation in the Isle of Man, protecting some of the animals in the wild.

This will support animals in the wild such as gibbons, penguins, red pandas and lemurs in the wild.

All four species have recorded births in the park over the last year as part of British and European accredited breeding programmes.

These include ten penguins, three lemurs, two red pandas, one silvery gibbon and one squirrel monkey.

Around the world, zoos are the third largest funder of conservation efforts in the wild, but many are suffering the impact of the pandemic.

Curraghs Wildlife Park remains open seven days a week, but was closed for ten weeks earlier in the year due to COVID-19 restrictions in the island.