Granada Introducing...Lady Ice
Lady Ice, a 27-year-old rapper from Old Trafford has a powerful message. Her latest single No Silence calls out the everyday racism she's experienced and was painful but empowering to write.
The daughter of Jamaican parents she began rapping at school and found her voice with music.
Starting out a time when there are very few successful female rappers in the UK, she learnt to be resilient and self-sufficient, teaching her self to edit, marketing and contracts, even starting her own label, All I See Records.
She's already caught the attention of one of the biggest artists around, Stormzy who gave Lady Ice the ultimate compliment calling her 'cold'.
She showcased her feminist anthem First on the tv show, The Rap Game UK, where other contestants brought up her family's painful history, her father was shot dead near the family home, when she was three. She is also a carer for her mother, who has struggled with anxiety and mental illness.
2020 was tipped to be the year Lady Ice took her career to the next level. She's used the lockdown to concentrate on new music and is releasing another intensely personal single, No More Secrets soon.
You can find some of the other Granada Introducing segments here: The Slow Readers Club, The Lathums, Red Rum Club, Fuzzy Sun, LIINES.