Four residents at Cheshire care homes have died after contracting Covid-19

Four residents from two care homes in Cheshire have died aftertesting positive for coronavirus.

The residents lived at Heathside and Heathside Mews, in Penketh, Warrington, and died during the last seven days. In total, six had tested positive for Covid-19.

The care homes are run by Warrington Community Living who currently has staff who are self-isolating. They have also stopped visitors to their premises, apart from essential trips.

A spokesperson for Warrington Community Living, said: "It is with deep sadness that we confirm that we have had four residents across the two homes who passed away over the past seven days.

"We have been able to support them with love, care and reassuranceduring this time.

"Our thoughts and condolences remain with their families and we areproviding them with our ongoing support during this difficult time.

"Within both homes the focus of the team continues to be the ongoingcare, support and safety of all our residents and our colleagues."