Granada Introducing...Indie Rap band Prose

In the latest in our Granada Introducing Series showcasing the region's best new music meet Manchester band Prose.

The duo from Stretford are about to release their latest EP 'Empty Hands', an eclectic mix of rap, hip hop and Indie music.

Rapper and songwriter Michael Murray uses intensely personal stories in his lyrics, including the haunting song 'See me like this' about the death of his father.

Lee Royle on vocals and guitar, who produces the beats says their songs are often a 'kind of therapy'.

Fans have described Prose as just as much poets as musicians. They are already selling out gigs and the dream is to play Old Trafford or Wembley Stadium.

They released 'A city United' as a charity single for the victims of the Manchester Arena attack, performing with members of the Survivors Choir who came together in support after being at the concert.

Prose says some of their music is a kind of therapy writing about tough times in life Credit: ITV Granada

Prose have recorded this exclusive acoustic version of their latest single 'Empty Hands' which is about rapper Michael Murray's experience of homelessness.