Globe trotting Gecko ends up in Chester - after stowing away in Sri Lanka

Credit: Chester Zoo

A globe-trotting gecko made an incredible 5,500 mile journey all the way from Sri Lanka to Chester.

The reptile was a surprise find for a woman returning from holiday when she went to unpack her suitcase

She spotted the gecko, which was the size of her thumb, on an umbrella which she had in her case.

She managed to put the gecko in a sandwich box - with holes in for air - and called the RSPCA.

Inspector Leanne Cragg was sent to collect the gecko who has now been taken in by a specialist reptile keeper.

She said: “The gecko must have hitched a lift while the woman was packing her suitcase in Sri Lanka. So the reptile has travelled around 5,500 miles but appears unscathed by his long and adventurous journey and is actually pretty lively.”