Salford school children take over National Football Museum

Year five students from Friars Primary School in Salford greeting guests to the museum. Credit: National Football Museum

A group of Manchester schoolchildren took over the National Football Museum for the day last Friday.

Year five students from Friars Primary School in Salford, were put in charge of the museum as part of Kids in Museums’ Takeover Day. The annual event celebrates children’s contributions to museums, galleries and heritage sites.

The class of ten year olds greeted visitors on the front desk of the museum, looked after its most popular and prized collections, and contributed to the attraction’s social media channels.

The takeover day gives young people behind the scenes access to the museum, and offers them the chance to partake in a show and tell lesson with a difference. The lucky kids were able to handle some of the National Football Museum’s most prized memorabilia, including the FA Cup and Premier League trophy.

Christian Allen, People and Communities Officer at the National Football Museum said: