Shamed psychiatrist showed "a blatant disregard" in having a two-year sexual relationship with a vulnerable patient

Adam Osborne Credit: PA

Challencer George Osborne's brother, Dr Adam Osborne was struck off from the medical register after the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service ruled that his fitness to practise was impaired by reason of misconduct.

Panel chairman Dr Nigel Callaghan said that the married doctor's affair with the patient, who he had been treating for depression, anxiety and chronic fatigue, was:

The woman, referred to as Patient A, went on to make an attempt on her own life two days after Dr Osborne ended the relationship via email.

Despite knowing of her fragile state and suicide attempt, he bombarded her with threatening emails over a 10-day period begging her to retract her complaint to the General Medical Council detailing the affair.

The tribunal sitting in Manchester imposed an immediate order of suspension from the register and determined that Dr Osborne's name should be erased from the medical register.

The tribunal was told that following the split in February last year, the woman told him:

He later pleaded to her:

He threatened her:

Another email read:

Dr Callaghan said:

Dr Osborn had treated the woman at a private practice in central London from February 2011 until late 2014.

In a statement after the hearing Dr Osborne, who is five years younger than his brother, said:

Dr Osborne, who had admitted the allegations, said he fully accepted the findings of the Fitness to Practise Panel.

In 2010 he was suspended from practising medicine for six months after writing fraudulent prescriptions for a girlfriend, a family member and an escort girl whilst a psychiatry trainee at Wythenshawe Hospital in Manchester.

The Tribunal said that this had been a further aggregating factor in the case.