Isle of Man Fire and Rescue Service granted new training facility

New fire training facility will save IOM Government £50,000 a year Credit: Isle of Man Government

Works on a new training facility for the Isle of Man Fire and Rescue Service will begin next week.

The Isle of Man Government today made the decision to pass plans for the on-Island training grounds, reducing the need for firefighters to travel to the UK Fire Service College in Gloucestershire - which costs approximately £50,000 a year.

Tynwald agreed with the Department of Home Affairs' plans to pay for a series of interconnected conpartments on a concrete base, with multiple entrances to create different environments.

Planning approval for the specially-engineered containers at the rear of the Richmond Hill incinerator plant will ensure the project is completed by summer 2016.

Minister for Home Affairs Juan Watterson asked members of Tynwald to support up to £557,000 worth of capital funding.