CCTV images show Oldham bin-man leaving rubbish in alley
Angry residents are demanding answers after CCTV footage revealed a bin man lifting bags of rubbish out of dustbins and dumping them in an alleyway leading to locals being threatened with prosecution and fines of up to £50,000.
The video was recorded as the bin men carried out their fortnightly visit to Park Road in Glodwick.
However, before taking the bins away one of the workers can be clearly seen lifting the lids on at least four bins, taking a full bin bag out of each and dumping them in the alleyway leaving behind a huge pile of rubbish.
Another CCTV video then shows Oldham Council workers arrive at the alleyway three days later, search the contents of the bin bags to find which home they came from, before putting a sticker on them to warn whoever is responsible they could be fined up to £50,000.
Park Road resident Zed Liaqat caught everything on the CCTV cameras at the rear of his house.
Mr Liaqat uploaded some of the footage to Facebook and it has been watched thousands of times.
A number of residents commented on the Facebook post to say they have been sent letters by Oldham Council informing them that they are believed to be implicated in the dumping of bin liners containing household waste.
Adnan Islam, who also lives on Park Road, revealed how his dad received one of these letters last week regarding rubbish found in the alley back on December 22, 2014.
The letter invites him to attend a taped interview at the Oldham Council offices which could lead to the matter being dealt with at Oldham Magistrates Court.
Mr. Islam said:
Helen Lockwood, Oldham Council's executive director for co-operatives and neighbourhoods, said: