How to spot the signs Child Sexual Exploitation

As part of an ongoing campaign focusing on child sexual exploitation Cheshire Police will be distributing information packs to every secondary school in the county.

But how do you recognise the signs of Child Sexual Exploitation? The information website Know and Seehave put together lists of practical steps as well as real life testimonies and useful contact information for anybody who thinks they may be a victim, or know someone who might be a victim, of Child Sexual Exploitation.

Knowing what to look for can help to keep young people safe and stop people taking advantage of them.

Know these signs:

POSSESSION: They give you money, drugs, alcohol or gifts and expect something in return.

FLATTERY: They give you attention to make you feel special but they also ask you to do things which aren't right.

VIOLENCE: They promise you the world but threaten you or use violence if you don't do what they want.

ISOLATION: They tell you no one understands you like they do and take you away from your family and friends.

PRESSURE: They put pressure on you to have sex with them or with someone they know.

INVASION: They take pictures or film you and threaten to post them on the internet. They make you look at images that make you feel uncomfortable.

Knowing the signs can also help keeping your friends safe: Look out for each other.

Are they?

  • Using drugs or drinking alcohol?!

  • Having mood swings, aggression towards others and become distant?!

  • Self-harming?!

  • Always tired?!

  • Staying out late, not returning home?!

  • Borrowing clothes from others and have changed in appearance?!

  • Not going to school?

Do they have?

  • An older boyfriend/girlfriend?!

  • Unexplained quantities of money?!

  • Unexplained gifts, expensive clothing, jewellery, mobile phones?!

  • Unexplained relationships with older people?!

  • Bruising on their arms or body?

Parents and carers can take steps to help their children stay safe online Credit: NSPCC

Are you a parent worried about your child?

With many victims of Child Sexual Exploitation initially targeted through social media it is normal for parents and guardians to worry about their children's online safety.

Here is a comprehensive list of tips to help keep children safe online:

Check their profile settings – some children may think their online profiles are set to private however sometimes this is only partial privacy. Make sure to check the ‘settings’ sections of online profiles to enable maximum privacy.!

Nothing is completely hidden online – remind your child that anything that goes on the internet isn’t totally hidden and if it’s private or personal, it shouldn’t go online.

Unknown ‘friends’ – sometimes you may receive a ‘friend’ request or someone trying to engage with you online who you don’t know. It is important not to talk to anyone who is unfamiliar.!

Talk about online activity – openly talk about online activity with your child. If they think you are being invasive, calmly explain the dangers social media can some pose.

For more information as a parent: click here.

For more information about anything relating to Child Sexual exploitation please also visit the NSPCC website or Childline.

Remember CHILD SEXUAL EXPLOITATION IS A CRIME, you are not alone, there are specially trained professionals there to help you. The police and their partner services will support you and your family. Report child sexual abuse to the Police by dialing 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger dial 999.