Museum that says: "DO touch the exhibits"

MOSI opens new interactive exhibition where people are encouraged to touch the displays Credit: ITV

Visitors to Manchester's Museum of Science and Industry are being encouraged to touch and feel the displays at their new 'Everyday Relics' exhibition.

The new show display ordinary objects from the past which come to life with recorded stories and video when they are picked up by visitors. This is the first time that objects have been animated in this way in a Museum.The Museum urges visitors to 'Please Touch' the objects on display for the first time today.

Artists Lucy and Barney Heywood have used the latest interactive technology, the same as that used in swipe cards, to celebrate the stories of everyday items from the past. A discarded oyster shell in a railway station and a used milk bottle from the 1984 Miners' Strike are just some of the items being used. The artists were commissioned as part of a new series of artists-in-residence at MOSI.