Protestors fight swimming pool and library closure
A mass protest is being held later ahead of a meeting that could seal the fate of both the swimming pool and the library in Levenshulme.
Both buildings ihave been earmarked for closure in Manchester City Council 2013/15 budget , despite widespread local opposition and a commitment two years ago to replace both facilities before the old buildings are shut.
The doors of both the baths and the library could close in a matter of weeks if MCC's Executive backs the current budget proposals when it meets on the 13th February.
Manchester City Council's Deputy Council leader Cllr Jim Battle, said: "We have been dealt a very difficult hand by central government's financial settlement which has left us having to find £80 million of savings over the next two years. But we are determined, within these constraints, to provide top quality library and leisure services for Manchester residents which are modern and accessible. The proposed new leisure centre and library for Levenshulme is a good example of this. In order to invest in a new facility, we need to realise savings now associated with the running costs and maintenance of older, underused facilities.
It should be noted that these are just proposals at this stage and we will take people's views into account before putting forward firmed-up plans. But the scale of savings required is not optional and that means the cost of any changes we made to these proposals would have to be found elsewhere."
The protest is being held outside the library at 1pm.