Younger Jersey residents can now apply for social housing as age and income thresholds relaxed

Younger people without children can now apply for social housing in Jersey. Income thresholds have also been relaxed. Credit: ITV Channel

More people can now apply for social homes in Jersey under new rules announced by the Housing Minister, Deputy Sam Mézec.

The minimum age has been lowered from 35 to 30 for those without children, with plans to reduce it further to 25 later this year.

The maximum yearly income threshold for a one-bed home has also been raised from £32,300 to £38,818 for a single person and from £40,700 to £52,462 for joint applicants.

Deputy Mézec said: "Until now, younger people without children have had no choice but to pay high rents in the private sector and potentially live in rental stress because they were excluded from accessing social housing."

He added that Andium Homes, Jersey's social housing provider, has made these changes possible by delivering more properties.

The move follows changes made in September 2023, where age restrictions were lowered from 40 to 35 for those without children.

Annual income restrictions were also widened for those needing two to four-bed properties from £61,956 per year for a single person with one child up to £92,079 for joint applicants with three children or more.

The minimum age for people with children to access social housing continues to be 18 years old.