Moulting seal pup washes ashore in Alderney as public asked to stay away
A moulting seal pup has been found ashore in Alderney.
The pup is on the beach at Clonque and has a fluffy white coat, meaning it is too young to be fully waterproof.
Without moulting, the pup is unable to swim far in the Channel Island waters.
Islanders are being asked to avoid the area while the pup is there and to keep any dogs or fishing equipment away from the rocky areas near the causeway.
People are also being asked to not go any closer than the car park at the bottom of the zigzags unless necessary.
As the Channel Islands pass through seal pup season, islanders who may spot any injured or distressed animals are asked to call the Alderney Animal Welfare Society on 01481 822616.
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