Jersey man walks up and abseils down Mont Orgueil Castle in chainmail for charity

  • Bryce Alford explains his fundraising challenge

A Jersey man has walked up and abseiled down Mont Orgueil Castle while wearing 13 kilograms of chainmail.

Bryce Alford set himself the challenge of completing the circuit 30 times to fundraise for the charity Headway - after both his father and brother suffered brain injuries.

The combined elevation is more than 1,000 feet higher than Ben Nevis, the UK's highest peak.

More than £3,000 has already been donated and Bryce is no stranger to unique fundraisers after running the London Marathon dressed as a brain.

He has also taken on challenges at Mont Orgueil, although never like this.

"In the past, I've ascended the castle, I've run up the steps and I've also abseiled before as well," Bryce explained.

"I thought well I could put the two together but maybe that wouldn't be challenging enough so I'd have to do it a number of times."

The second part of his 'Knight and Day' fundraiser will take place this July when Bryce plans to run at least 100 miles in a 24-hour race in Plymouth.