Another £28 million to be spent on Jersey's new hospital plans

More than £100 million has already been spent on various proposals and the new hospital project is not expected to be finished until at least 2031. Credit: ITV Channel

An extra £28.5 million of government money will be used to develop the revised plans for Jersey's new hospital.

More than £100 million has already been spent on various proposals over the last decade.

This latest option will see healthcare facilities spread across multiple sites after the government rejected plans for a single hospital at Overdale - branding them "too big and too expensive".

The New Healthcare Facilities Programme says it will learn from the previous projects and take a phased approach with developments at Overdale and Kensington Place, as well as the potential to take on other sites.

The project is not expected to be completed until at least 2031 but the government says it will save money when compared to the previous plans.

"We are committed to starting the new developments within the term of this government and to ensuring that the island benefits from a stable and happy workforce in this critical area of the public service," it explained.

However, one Jersey doctor told ITV News last September that his colleagues are demoralised and he called the two-site option " a travesty of democracy".

Commenting on social media after the latest announcement, Dr David Ng said: "So that's £128.5m and not a brick laid. And no plans, no planning permissions, and no staff to run the sites. In fact, minus one consultant gynae cancer specialist resigning."