Jersey business scammed out of nearly £9,000 after hackers access company emails

A business lost almost £9,000 after hackers accessed a company email system and requested client invoices be paid to them. Credit: Pexels

A Jersey business has been scammed out of almost £9,000 after hackers gained access to a company's email system and sent emails to clients asking for outstanding invoices to be settled.

The fraudsters posed as company employees and gave out a different set of bank account details to the business's legitimate ones.

Jersey Police have given out some top tips to avoid falling victim to scammers:

  • Don't open random links from emails

  • Always check for slight changes in email addresses

  • Use multi-factor authentication to protect your email and important accounts

  • Double-check any requests for payments and updated bank account details by calling the person or company directly to check

  • If in doubt, call Jersey Police on 01534 612612 or report it online

Anne King, from Jersey's Office of the Information Commissioner, says it is important we aren't complacent when it comes to keeping data secure:

"Organisations, unfortunately, have found themselves falling foul to scammers when they have clicked on links in emails that come into their offices, which has meant sadly organisations have lost significant amounts of money.

"It happens to individuals as well as businesses, sadly emails are such a big part of our day-to-day lives that all too often we get complacent. I think it's a very key point that people are trained well and understand the risks involved with clicking links and when not to click them."

  • Anne King tells ITV News how islanders can keep their personal data safe.

She added: "This week is international Data Protection Week, and we're putting a lot of energy into working with the community and organisations around the island about raising awareness that everyone has to take responsibility for personal information - that includes at work or at home."

You can get more tips on avoiding scams from the Jersey OIC's website.