Public to give their views on proposals for new Guernsey Education Law

Guernsey's current Education Law was drafted in the 1970s. Credit: ITV Channel Television

Guernsey's Committee for Education, Sport and Culture is launching a public consultation ahead of proposals for a new Education Law.

The Committee wants to update the current Law because it was originally agreed in the 1970s but based on UK legislation from the 1940s.

According to the Committee, the Law does not contain elements of education that are important to both parents and educators such as safeguarding.

The new proposals will focus on updating the Law to clearly set out the rights and responsibilities of Guernsey's education system.

Deputy Andrea Dudley-Owen, President of ESC, says: "like lots of laws, the Education Law exists in the background for most people – essentially as an invisible safety net that protects students and ensures the way we deliver education is appropriate.

"The importance of having legislation which is fit for modern education cannot be understated and the community now has an opportunity to influence our final proposals."

The public consultations will be launched on Wednesday (18 January) and will allow islanders to have their say on the proposals which will be debated later this year.