Mick Dryden and Tony Paintin honoured with Société Jersiaise life membership

Mick and Tony bird watching in Argentina Credit: Société Jersiaise

The Société Jersiaise has honoured two of it's long-serving members for their contributions to the island's wildlife.

Mick Dryden and Tony Paintin have both been granted Honorary Life Membership of the organisation after being members since 1981, contributing to the work of the Ornithology section.

They have also supported States' work to ensure the care and maintenance of the natural environment.

Mick has chaired the Société since 1985 while Tony was the Orthinology section recorder for 32 years, only recently stepping down.

The annual Jersey Bird Report - which they both contributed to - gives an ongoing view of the island's bird population, monitoring their migration and breeding patterns.

The Société says the Honorary Life Membership is 'a small gesture to show its gratitude for their tremendous contributions' over the years.