Alderney residents now able to join government meetings
People in Alderney will now be able to attend government meetings.
Before now, Policy & Finance and General Services Committee meetings had been held behind closed doors.
But from next month, Alderney's residents can attend these meetings during a six month trial.
Currently only the Building & Development Control Committee and the full States meetings are open to the public.
It is hoped that by allowing islanders to attend these meetings, it will help make the way decisions are made, more clear.
Committee agendas will now be divided into Part A, open to the public for observation only, and Part B dealing with confidential matters, when the public will be asked to leave.
Ian Carter, Policy & Finance Deputy Chairman told States members the move was an important aspect of the Island Plan, a document to which many islanders contributed and who justifiably expect delivery.
He said: "A consequence of this proposal is that the agenda for a meeting does have to be split in two as there are areas of sensitivity which would not be appropriate in the public domain.
"The rationale for putting an item into the confidential part of the meeting is exactly as it is currently where confidential items are not discussed or minuted in the public domain.
"It should be emphasised that placing an item into the confidential part of the meeting would be the exception rather than the rule.
"It will initially feel different and there will need to be some reflection as we go but I feel that by bringing the other major committees into the public domain just like the Full States that this is a step forward for the public benefit.
Arrangements for the venue and public seating are currently being worked on by the Civil Service and will be announced in due course.