Pointues Rocques development plans branded 'horrendous' over traffic concerns
Plans for 68 new homes at Pointues Rocques in Guernsey have sparked concerns over traffic levels in the surrounding areas.
Residents gathered at the Douzaine Room in St Sampson on Saturday 23 April to scrutinise the planning application which is the first of two phases of development.
The site was earmarked for housing in the Island Development Plan, which also means 16 of the new properties would be classed as affordable homes.
Richard Stuckey, who lives nearby, said: "It will greatly affect the amount of traffic going up and down Pointues Rocques and also affect the traffic in the general area. I think the site really isn't suitable."
Jenny Clarke, a fellow resident, said: "It's horrendous, absolutely horrendous. Nothing they can do is going to change the traffic."
Previous proposals for more than 80 homes on the site were rejected but the plans have been altered and re-submitted.
Deputy Adrian Gabriel also lives nearby and believes building new homes will help alleviate Guernsey's current housing crisis.
He said: "I'm in favour of the plans because they are scaled back. If you look at the plans in detail, there's lots of mitigating factors. We've got included shared mobility, people are able to share Evie bikes and even cars. And the developers have been, I believe, proactive."