Calls for better upkeep of Jersey's Havre des Pas Lido
Video report by ITV Channel's Caroline Lewis
A St Helier politician is leading the charge for change at one of Jersey's most iconic landmarks.
The Havre des Pas Lido has been used by scores of islanders to swim all year around as well as being used for various other activities including entertainment, tourism and weddings.
But people using the facility say it is not being upheld as well as it should, with issues such as a leaking roof and limited access to changing rooms. Carole Penfold is one of them:
"I think it's an absolute shame that they've let it, not rot, but they haven't been been maintaining it as well as they should have done, because common sense tells you if you maintain a building when there's a small fault with it, the small fault's not going to get into a bigger one. If you leave it to get into a bigger one it's going to cost you more money."
However, a proposition submitted by Constable Simon Crowcroft is calling on the government to maximise, maintain and manage the venue to a better standard.
Constable Crowcroft is calling for:
A steering group to meet quarterly between the community and politicians to discuss any issues and to maximse its benefit to islanders
Ensuring that the landlord (Property Holdings Department) uphold their obligations fully, which includes maintaining the facility as watertight and ensuring that the public toilets at the pool are available all year round
Initiate and negotiate new long-term lease contract with the current leaseholders
In a statement Deputy Kevin Lewis, Minister for Infrastructure said "The Constable’s proposition will be discussed further at the upcoming meeting of the Regeneration Steering Group, and it would be inappropriate for me to comment in any great detail before then."
He added "That said, the Jersey Property Holdings team will always maintain the estate to the best of their ability, within the constraints of heritage, location and resources, and are committed to operating the estate efficiently."