Investigation begins on terminal roof at Guernsey airport

Guernsey Airport passenger terminal
No major impacts are expected while this work is carried out. Credit: ITV Channel TV

Investigations have begun at Guernsey airport to resolve the ongoing issues with the passenger terminal roof.

Ports had been monitoring the condition of the roof however, due to its age and the increasing frequency of bad weather events it now needs to be fully examined.

Guernsey Ports' Chief Commercial and Infrastructure Officer Ben Le Huray said "We have commissioned this investigation to establish what options we have to safeguard and extend the useful life of the terminal roof cladding system."

As part of the work a comprehensive survey will be carried out by specialist engineers to determine what remediation options are available.

To facilitate the work, the roof areas will now need to be fully enclosed with scaffolding.

Mr Le Huray added "In the meantime, appropriate measures and plans are in place to protect the safety of passengers, aircraft and operations. The Ports will be working closely with specialist engineers to determine what the future course of action should be."

No major impacts are anticipated whilst this survey work is carried out.