Jersey residents urged to share views on how the pandemic was handled

A aerial shot of St Helier.
An independent panel is looking into the island's response to the pandemic and has started meeting islanders to gather evidence. Credit: ITV Channel TV.

Jersey residents are being urged to share their views on how they think the pandemic was handled.

An independent panel is looking into the island's response to the pandemic and has started meeting islanders to gather evidence.

They want to hear from islanders about their experiences.

Panel lead, Sir Derek Myers said: “We are particularly keen to hear from those individuals and minority groups who may sometimes find it difficult to have their voices heard.

"While we can’t deal with individual complaints or issues, we hope that by listening to their experiences, we can take away learnings to better manage crisis situations, like the pandemic, as an island.”

The aim of the review is to provide recommendations for how any similar events could be handled in the future.

All the submissions will be confidential.

People have until April 11 to submit their evidence which can be done online or by post (Covid Review Panel, PO Box 700, Jersey, JE4 0PE).