More businesses eligible for Jersey's Co-Funding Payroll Scheme

Cash and the states of Jersey
Credit: ITV Channel

Jersey's Co-Funded Payroll Scheme (CFPS) has been extended to cover more sectors who are still being affected by the pandemic.

Businesses eligible for support will now include retail, hairdressing and other beauty businesses, driving schools, sports activities (including gyms) and childcare.

These sectors will now be able to claim expenses for January 2022.

The Minister for Treasury and Resources, Deputy Susie Pinel, said: “The CFPS is the most effective tool we have to respond to the impact that public health measures have had on businesses. When we brought back the scheme in December, we committed to keeping it under review to ensure it was able to provide support to all the sectors that were severely impacted, and this latest change shows we have done this."

The Minister said it is hoped that this will be the final extension of the Scheme.

The Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture, Senator Lyndon Farnham, said: “I am very pleased that we have been able to extend support to these sectors following further engagement with the business community."

Eligible businesses can claim up to £1,250 per employee if their income for January 2022 fell by more than 20% compared to January 2020.