Passengers asked to still wear masks at Jersey Airport and Port terminals

Credit: ITV Channel

Passengers travelling through the airport and other Port buildings will still be asked to wear a mask in terminal buildings, despite the law on mask wearing changing tomorrow (1 February).

The update comes after Jersey's government announced an ease to most restrictions in the island last week.

Ports of Jersey have confirmed to ITV News they will still be asking passengers to wear masks in the terminals, with staff also continuing to wear them.

Mask wearing in the airport and harbour will not be mandatory by law, but Ports staff will ask passengers to wear one, and they are still mandatory on flights and ferries.

Maria Le Tiec, Head of Security & Passenger Services for Ports of Jersey, said: "Ports of Jersey welcomes last week’s announcement that travel restrictions are to be lifted as from 7 February.

"We would like to confirm that at this stage, passengers and customers are still requested to wear masks/shields (unless an exemption is in place), when using our terminals at both the airport and harbour and to maintain social distancing wherever possible.

"We look forward to welcoming passengers as we grow connectivity in the weeks and months ahead”.

 Ports of Jersey will continue to stay in close contact with travel organisations and will update their own policies accordingly.

Islanders using LibertyBus services will also be required to wear a mask when using the buses, or they will be refused travel, unless exempt.

Kevin Hart, Director for LibertyBus, said: “We are feeling very positive about the steps to fewer COVID restrictions in the island, but as buses are enclosed spaces, during this current time, we require all passengers to wear a face mask to protect our customers, staff and the wider public. This, of course, will be reviewed in the near future’.