Repairs to Jersey's digital Covid pass app cost over £15k

Credit: ITV Channel

Issues with Jersey's Digital Covid Status Certificate website cost over £15,000 to repair.

The platform was taken offline hours after it launched due to security threats.

It relaunched on 17 December without any known issues.

The high price tag for repairs was to allow for additional third party testing to take place and will continue regularly to test the server.

A Government of Jersey spokesperson has said the issue was a result of one specific threat not being tested sufficiently before launch.

"At launch, we identified a specific potential threat which was not tested. In theory, a technically-skilled individual who had access to another person’s credentials could redirect a vaccination certificate to a different email address."

Government confirmed that whilst no islanders has their vaccination record compromised, work needed to be done to remove the risk.

Booster doses were added to digital certificates when the system was relaunched.