ITV Channel holds debate on assisted dying

  • Watch ITV Channel TV's debate on assisted dying

As Jersey's politicians begin to debate whether to legalise assisted dying, ITV Channel TV, has been exploring the issues in its own panel discussion.

Campaigners for a change in the law say people with terminal conditions should be able to choose how and when to die in order to end their suffering.But those against the proposals argue that mental health support and palliative care must be improved first and that in some cases the proposed safeguards would not be strong enough.The panel includes:

  • Psychiatrist Dr Rachel Ruddy, who founded the group 'Our Duty of Care'.

  • St Ouen Deputy Richard Renouf, who plans to vote against the proposed change in the law.

  • Michael Talibard from End of Life Choices Jersey.

  • James Woodhead, who lives with psoriatic arthritis and wants the option of assisted dying when the pain becomes too much to bear.