Tracking device washes up on Guernsey beach as part of climate change campaign

Credit: ITV Channel TV

A plastic water bottle, fitted with a tracking device, has washed up in Guernsey after being released by scientists working with climate change activists in Cornwall.

Seven devices, each named after a G7 country, were launched off the Cornish coast on June 8 as part of an experiment to help experts understand how plastic moves across the ocean.

The bottle was discovered at Les Amarreurs on August 17 by St Peter Port resident Richard Lord who has been researching how marine litter reaches the shores of Guernsey.

Alasdair Davies helped to design the bottles based on technology previously used to tag and track sea turtles.

The tracking devices inside the bottles have a lifespan of up to two years and will be retrieved when they are nearing the end of their battery life.

Eight million tonnes of plastic enters the ocean every year and some activists believe world leaders are not taking enough action to tackle the problem.