Jersey retailers say they want to see planning rules relaxed to stop high street units being ringfenced for retail, potentially causing them to stay empty.
Two applications have recently been made to change the use of two former St Helier shops to restaurants.
One application on Halkett Street was approved at the end of May, on the basis that the proposals would 'help lift the area', whilst not detracting from the main shopping function of the town centre due to its 'peripheral location'.
Another application for the former Beghin's store on King's Street is pending.
Planning rules in the Core Retail Area remain tightly controlled, but the move has been backed by some in the sector, who say the government should support anyone that wants to invest in empty space.
At the moment planning policy does not permit the loss of ground floor retail space within the core retail centre of town, where it would pose a threat to the overall retail function.
St Helier's Town Centre Manager, who has recently started the role, says change of use applications are a natural part of town centres evolving.
He thinks the fact people are applying to use the empty spaces, albeit for a different purpose, shows that people still have confidence in the High Street.
In response, a government spokesperson said its current planning policy aims to 'promote vitality' in the centre of town.