One call every 12 seconds to Jersey's coronavirus helpline

From 8am Monday until noon on Friday it had answered 11,242 calls - equating to around one every 12 seconds that the line was open. Credit: ITV Channel TV

Jersey's coronavirus helpline has received more than 11,000 calls so far this week.

From 8am Monday until noon on Friday people had made 11,242 calls - equating to around one every 12 seconds that the line was open.

This week's surge coincided with a huge increase in the numbers of coronavirus cases in the island.

Officials say the average wait to get through remains less than two minutes, with most waiting less than five minutes, though at the start of the week ITV News received reports of people waiting more than an hour, and in one case more than four hours, for the call to be answered.

The 01534 445566 helpline is open from 8am to 5pm weekdays, and 10am to 4pm at the weekend.

The helpline is designed for people who have developed coronavirus symptoms, are wanting to book a routine workforce screening Covid-19 test, or for people seeking advice about self-isolating.