Patients concerned over future of Jersey's specialist rehabilitation unit

Former patients at Jersey's only specialist rehabilitation ward are concerned they will lose out if the facility does not reopen. The Samares Ward closed in May this year to free up resources during the coronavirus pandemic. A temporary ward was set up in the General Hospital with some care for patients being offered in the community.

Nearly one year ago Stephen Lawson suffered a life changing stroke while undergoing an operation, which left him unable to use his left arm and leg.

Mr Lawson was among the last group of patients to be treated on the Samares Ward. Credit: ITV Channel TV

After several months on Jersey's Samares rehabilitation ward he relearnt how to look after himself again and was discharged shortly before the coronavirus struck. He was among the last patients to be treated there.

In May as part of the pandemic reaction, the 27 bed ward at Overdale was closed to general rehabilitation patients and as a resource for those recovering from the virus, having been admitted to the temporary Nightingale Wing of the General Hospital at Millbrook.

Staff were redeployed and the 17 patients on the ward at the time were moved to care homes.

Credit: ITV Channel TV

A temporary six bed ward for new rehabilitation referrals was set up at the General Hospital, but equipment such as the hydrotherapy pool and training equipment stayed behind.

However the ward was never taken up by the Covid contingency and is currently being used as part of the Assisted Reproduction Unit (ARU), pre-operation assessment and general other outpatient appointments.

A number of stroke survivors including Mr Lawson, along with the Friends of Our New Hospital, have raised concerns about the closure of the ward and the lack of prior consultation.

In a letter to the editor of the Jersey Evening Post, which was never published, Stephen wrote:

In a recent freedom of information request, the government confirmed that the ward "has not been closed" but is still "deemed a fire evacuation contingency for the Nightingale Wing".

Statement by Jersey's Government. Credit: ITV Channel TV

In response to the question of a shortfall in rehabilitation facilities, the government says it is monitoring the situation and can increase the number of rehabilitation beds in hospital if required.It remains to be seen whether a facility similar to the Samares Ward will reopen as part of the new hospital at Overdale or whether rehabilitation will become an entirely community based service, as part of the Jersey Care Model.