Islanders living near Overdale share concerns over Jersey's future hospital location

061020 Overdale Hospital
Three homes will have to be demolished to make way for the facility, if the States agree to go ahead with the government's preferred location. Credit: ITV Channel TV

The politician leading Jersey's future hospital project met with residents living near Overdale this evening (28 October) to hear their concerns.

Three homes will have to be demolished to make way for the facility, if the States agree to go ahead with the government's preferred location.

75 homes in the surrounding area could also be affected by the building work.

Around 35 residents attended a meeting at the Town Hall with Senator Lyndon Farnham. Concerns were raised about the impact of construction and the loss of trees at the nearby People's Park.

Senator Farnham said he would work with residents to address their worries, but could not provide more details about the project until after the States vote.The debate on the site selection for the hospital will take place on 17 November.