Social housing tenants in Guernsey can now apply to be foster carers

Anonymous image of a young person on a swing in the park.
Guernsey's Housing Department have do not have enough one bed properties to meet the demand. Credit: ITV News

Social housing tenants can now apply to be foster carers, after a change of policy by the States of Guernsey.

Previously this was not possible, due to the rules regarding spare rooms in Social Housing.

The Committee for Employment and Social Security agreed to change the policy and remove this obstacle for any tenant wishing to become foster parents.

The aim is to enable tenants to apply to foster and transfer to larger accommodation or remain in accommodation if they have a spare room.

This could free up smaller properties, particularly one bed units, which is in significant demand.

The process to become a foster carer in Guernsey has not changed. A prospective tenant will still have to go through the normal process and have their application approved.