Macmillan Jersey urges islanders to 'Get Together for Good'
A Jersey cancer charity is urging islanders to 'Get Together for Good' to help fund its work in the island.
Macmillan Jersey has encouraged islanders to organise events such as coffee mornings, quizzes or movie nights to raise money to fund its work supporting those living with the disease.
The charity says it will receive a 60% reduction in its usual income because of the coronavirus pandemic. As it receives no funding from Macmillan UK, the charity relies solely on contributions from islanders to deliver its services.
The events are an extension of Macmillan's annual Jersey's Greatest Coffee Morning that took place on Friday 25 September.
This year, the event had to be scaled back because of coronavirus restrictions, but the charity in Jersey was able to host the coffee morning at The Lounge café in St Helier. It also had an online meeting so those shielding because of Covid-19 could also take part too.
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