Number of sexually transmitted infections on the rise in Jersey


The number of sexually transmitted infections in Jersey is on the rise.

Specialist nurses in the island say they are seeing a rise in the number of cases of Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea and Syphilis.

The island's Clinical Nurse Specialist says it will partly be due to more people coming forward for testing.

Katie Squires Clinical Nurse Specialist, Jersey General Hospital Credit: ITV Channel

The island's rise in cases reflects the latest Public Health England statistics, which show across a five year period (2015-2019) diagnoses have risen by 13% for Chlamydia, 71% for Gonorrhoea and 49% for Syphilis.

It comes as the latest young people and children's survey shows that only 53% and 51% of Year 10 and 12 students respectively, used a condom the last time they had sex.

42% of Year 12 males also said online pornography was cited as a significant, if not main, source of information about sex.

The young people's charity, You Matter, say these figures are concerning.

Sarah Gray, Executive Director, You Matter Credit: ITV Channel

Teaching young people about safe sex is the key message You Matter are keen to promote, to help combat the rising number of sexually transmitted infections in the Island

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