Tenancy deposit scheme extended in Jersey

The company MyDeposits will continue to run the tenancy deposit scheme in Jersey for another five years.

It was first appointed to do so on behalf of the island's government in 2015 and helps to manage deposits and resolve any disputes between landlords and tenants.

The Children and Housing Minister says having the scheme in place in the current climate has been very important.

The company has been reappointed to run the scheme because of "good performance and the strength of its tender bid".

It will take effect from 31 October and will last for three years, with an option to extend for a further two years depending on good performance.

The head of Jersey's Citizens Advice Bureau says he is happy that MyDeposits has had its contract extended.

On top of the scheme, Jersey's Environment Minister is working on a landlord license scheme, which has proved controversial, and will be considered by the States Assembly in September.