Operation Rockpool: Police to take more 'robust stance' on young people not physical distancing
Jersey Police say they are going to take a more robust stance on people who are not abiding by physical distancing rules.
States of Jersey Police, the Honorary Police and Jersey Youth Service will be working together as part of Operation Rockpool to tackle anti-social behaviour in key locations throughout the island.
Police have had to respond to a rise in groups, particularly young people, who have been ignoring physical distancing rules, littering, being publicly drunk and anti-social behaviour.
Officers will be placed at particular '"trouble spots" to deal with anyone who disregards police warnings.
Chief Inspector Mark Hafey, who is leading the operation, says officers will continue its “four E’s” approach - engage, explain, encourage, enforce – but that it will take action against those who are “wilfully ignoring” rules.
Chief Inspector Halfey also encouraged parents to play their part by making sure they are aware of what their children are doing, where they are going and the impact of anti-social behaviour.