Bullying and harassment complaints against Jersey government's senior managers on the rise

Credit: ITV Channel TV

The number of bullying and harassment complaints made against senior managers within Jersey’s government is on the up.

There were 11 cases in the first five months of this year, compared to 20 in the whole of last year and seven in 2018.

It has led to 10 members of staff being suspended from work over the past two and a half years, and 19 being subject to a formal disciplinary process.

The figures have been released following a formal Freedom of Information request.

The government will not say exactly how senior the managers in question are as, they say, it could reveal their identity, but it covers ‘tier one to five’ which includes the most senior figures working in the public sector.

It also says that since April last year, it has introduced an "anonymous whistle-blowing hotline", a "new bullying and harassment policy" and it says it "made it clear to staff" that such allegations would be taken seriously.