Chief Minister ‘highly misleading’ says Jersey’s Chamber of Commerce

Jersey Chamber of Commerce has accused the Chief Minister of being 'highly misleading' and making ‘blatantly not true” statements when claiming business support measures were in place.

They have also said that there has been ‘no practical change’ and ‘not a single pound has yet been released to help employees keep their jobs’.

One week ago the Chief Minister received a letter from 19 business leaders in Jersey. It accused him of an 'abhorrent' lack of leadership.

Now, those same business leaders are saying not enough has been done.

The Chamber of Commerce say that they believe procedures to support businesses are being worked on but currently 'no urgency' is being shown.

Funding to support businesses is likely to be given out in April.

The Chamber recognised that the Government has considerable amounts of work to do, but are saying not enough is being done.