Guernsey Volunteers help plant trees and hedging in woodland areas

Guernsey Trees for Life and the Pollinator Project have been working with volunteers to plant trees and hedging around Le Guet and Cobo Community Centre.

Islanders are encouraged to get involved with the plantings and organisers hope people can learn some useful skills, which they can use in their own gardens.

A wildlife hedgerow was added at the St Matthew's Community Field today.

Credit: ITV Channel TV

Rev Scott Lamb of St Matthew's Church says the Church is "keen that the area is managed for both people and wildlife" and that it "looks forward to welcoming the community to help shape the future of this important open space in Guernsey".

Guernsey Trees for Life says "there is an increasing trend amongst developers and householders locally to replace native hedging with quick growing alternatives which offer little or no benefit to the environment".

Native Guernsey trees were plantedat Le Guet's Monterey Pines yesterday, where the same trees were planted by the de Sausmarez family about a century ago.

Credit: ITV Channel TV

The Pollinator Project says: "It is vital that we continue to raise awareness of the importance of pollinators to our island environment, the threats they face and how we can start to reverse the damaging trends we have seen over the last few decades."

Credit: ITV Channel TV

Organisers say they hope the planting of native species will help to repopulate and enhance biodiversity in Guernsey.