'Heavy-handed' licencing scheme for Jersey landlords according to politicians

A new licencing scheme for landlords in Jersey is heavy-handed and bureaucratic, according to the politicians scrutinising the plans.

The Environment Minister wants to bring in a register of all rental properties, and for all properties to be inspected annually. The aim is to ensure homes are meeting minimum standards.

Landlords would be charged a fee per property, per year - which the Landlords Association says would be passed onto tenants in rent rises.

Today (Friday 21 February) the Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel called for more detail on the financial implications.

They also questioned how the register would work along the existing Rent Safe scheme.

The panel is also recommending that the licences are granted for five years, rather than just one, in line with current practice in the UK.

The issue will be debated in the States next week.