Calls to bring forward Mesothelioma compensation scheme
A Guernsey politician has called for a compensation scheme for sufferers of asbestos-related cancer to be brought forward.
The scheme for one-off payments for sufferers of Mesothelioma, which is caused by the substance, is currently due to be introduced in 2022.
If passed, the two amendments put forward by Deputy Matt Fallaize would see payments made earlier.
The Committee for Employment and Social Security estimates that the cost of running the scheme would be around £100,000 per year.
Jersey's government approved funding for its scheme earlier this year, following an e-petition which gathered over 1,000 signatures.
Deputy Fallaize says the case for a scheme is actually stronger in Guernsey as the island's governments delayed regulating asbestos when there was a 'growing body of evidence' of the dangers associated with it.