Meeting to be held about potentially cancer-causing chemicals in water supplies
There will be a briefing tonight for people in Jersey whose water supplies were tested for potentially cancer-causing chemicals.
A study of private supplies, and the surrounding water course, has found evidence of the chemicals PFOS and PFOA.
The 7pm meeting at St Peter's Parish Hall is open to anyone who would like to attend. It will also be filmed and available to watch on the Government of Jersey's website and YouTube channel.
Testing began after a resident raised concerns about the presence of PFOS in their private supply. On Friday 12 July the results confirmed that suspicion.
Separate testing on potatoes and dairy products have shown no trace of PFOS or PFOA.
A study of private supplies has found evidence of the chemicals PFOS and PFOA in the majority of the 126 tested sources. Half contained nitrate levels which are over recommended EU safety limits, and some contained pesticides and a cocktail of other substances.
The government say there is no immediate cause for concern, but the study acknowledges there is no agreement internationally over the health risks of some of the chemicals.
WATCH: This report from Gary Burgess...