Islanders asked to log Asian Hornet sightings on app

People in Guernsey are being asked to log Asian hornet sighting on an app as part of the new campaign "Track Don’t Trample". Credit: States of Guernsey

People in Guernsey are being asked to log Asian Hornet sightings on an app as part of the new campaign, 'Track Don’t Trample'.

The app asks people to provide a picture and location of where they saw the insect so nests can be traced.

Sightings can also be reported by emailing

Since the start of the year volunteers have been working to trap queen Asian Hornets as they come out of hibernation.

During that time, a combined total of 21 Asian Hornet queens were caught; 15 in traps, one taken at its primary nest and five from inside properties they had flown into.