States workers will vote on strike action today
Hundreds of public sector employees turned out to a meeting at the Radisson Blu hotel last night to discuss the potential for strike action.
At the end of discussions, the majority of union members gave a show of hands in support of industrial action.
A meeting yesterday between the States Employment Board and the unions resulted in a stalemate in the row over pay rises.
The government says there is simply no more money but nurses, midwives and civil servants are unhappy with their offer.
Following yesterday's meeting between the States Employment Board and Union representatives, the Chair of the SEB Senator Tracey Vallois has released a statement saying...
"The Board is keen to proceed by agreement if possible and has asked officials to continue discussions with all unions immediately after the next States Employment Board meeting on 5 November, at which we will consider potential next steps. We hope all parties recognise the need to work towards equal pay for work of equal value, for all States Employees."