Consultant to be appointed to find site for a new skate park in St Helier

Credit: ITV Channel Television

Jersey's Sports Minister is appointing a consultant to help find a viable site for a new modern skate park in St Helier.

Constable Steve Pallett made the announcement to a crowd of more than 150 people at a Town Hall meeting last night.

The current park at the harbour is only open during weekends and holidays following safety concerns.

The Ports of Jersey want it moved entirely by September 1st.

The Minister says the consultant, when appointed, will review around a dozen sites within St Helier. The feasibility study will cost around £11,000 from research to construction.

He labelled places like Fort Regent and Millenium Town park as unviable and revealed his preferred location would be 'somewhere on the waterfront'. But before any decisions are made, he wants to hear from skaters.

Many islanders at the meeting said they want a bigger, covered skate park, suitable for BMX riders and pushed for Fort Regent to be properly explored.

They also said Jersey should take inspiration from Guernsey's facility, which is free, visible to the public and open all year round.