Jersey Christmas Traditions

Credit: ITV Channel TV

Whilst St Helier's Christmas light switch on has become the annual event to begin Jersey's La Fête dé Noué, there are several traditions which many have forgotten.

This Jersey tradition has fallen away but once took place on 23rd December in the countryside.

People would enjoy an evening of work and celebration with games, songs, food and drink, while working on knitting, embroidery and needlework.

The goods would then be sold in St Helier on Christmas Eve. Often this was the only time country women would come into town during the whole year.

Despite the change of calendar from the Julian to Gregorian calendar in the 18th century, some Jersey families continued to celebrate Lé Vièr Noué (Old Christmas Day) on 6th January.

Traditional Jersey Christmas Dinner Credit: ITV Channel TV

If you opt for Roast pork rather than the traditional turkey dinner on Christmas Day, then you're simply following the tradition of the island's forefathers.

Du Lard au Fou was usually served before the steamed podîn d'Noué - a lighter version of a Christmas pudding.

Whilst Jersey French or Jèrriais may not be used by many on the island, Christmas greetings in the language are still common.

  • Bouan Noué - Merry Christmas

  • Paix et Jouaie - Peace and Joy

Lastly, it used to be Christmas custom for children to beg for leftovers around the neighbourhood.

Little ones used to go from door to door chanting "Man Noué, s'i' vos pliaît! Un morcé d'gâche sus l'but d'l'ais!" which translates to "My Christmas, please! A piece of cake on the end of the shelf."