Advice for islanders struggling at Christmas
The Christmas period can be a difficult time.
Pressure, costs and stress can pile up, making it a struggle for many islanders.
But there are many charities and organisations across the Channel Islands who can offer help and advice.
We have compiled a list of some of those groups and how you can get in touch with them.
Grace Trust Jersey
The Grace Trust describes itself as a "Charitable Trust... providing both practical and personal help to some of the most vulnerable and needy in the Island".
The charity provides a food bank service, among other community projects.
Phone: 01534 631667
Guernsey Welfare Service Ltd
The Guernsey Welfare Service provides practical help through their foodbank, including giving vouchers for essential commodities such as food, fuel, household necessities and children's clothing.
Phone: 01481 711847
Samaritans of Jersey / Guernsey Samaritans
Samaritans Jersey and Guernsey Samaritans offer a listening ear to anyone who wants to talk about what is on their mind.
Phone: 08457 90 90 90 / 01481 715515
Jersey Citizens Advice / Guernsey Citizens Advice
Citizens Advice offer guidance on a range of subjects, including advice on debt and money worries.
Phone: 01534 724942 / 01481 242266